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Swordfish: A Framework for Evaluating Deep Neural Network-based Basecalling using Computation-In-Memory with Non-Ideal Memristors

Published: 08 December 2023 Publication History


Basecalling, an essential step in many genome analysis studies, relies on large Deep Neural Network s (DNN s) to achieve high accuracy. Unfortunately, these DNN s are computationally slow and inefficient, leading to considerable delays and resource constraints in the sequence analysis process. A Computation-In-Memory (CIM) architecture using memristors can significantly accelerate the performance of DNN s. However, inherent device non-idealities and architectural limitations of such designs can greatly degrade the basecalling accuracy, which is critical for accurate genome analysis. To facilitate the adoption of memristor-based CIM designs for basecalling, it is important to (1) conduct a comprehensive analysis of potential CIM architectures and (2) develop effective strategies for mitigating the possible adverse effects of inherent device non-idealities and architectural limitations. 
This paper proposes Swordfish, a novel hardware/software co-design framework that can effectively address the two aforementioned issues. Swordfish incorporates seven circuit and device restrictions or non-idealities from characterized real memristor-based chips. Swordfish leverages various hardware/software co-design solutions to mitigate the basecalling accuracy loss due to such non-idealities. To demonstrate the effectiveness of Swordfish, we take Bonito, the state-of-the-art (i.e., accurate and fast), open-source basecaller as a case study. Our experimental results using Swordfish show that a CIM architecture can realistically accelerate Bonito for a wide range of real datasets by an average of 25.7 ×, with an accuracy loss of 6.01%.


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Index Terms

  1. Swordfish: A Framework for Evaluating Deep Neural Network-based Basecalling using Computation-In-Memory with Non-Ideal Memristors



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        Published In

        cover image ACM Conferences
        MICRO '23: Proceedings of the 56th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture
        October 2023
        1528 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 08 December 2023


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        Author Tags

        1. basecalling
        2. computation in memory (CIM)
        3. deep neural networks (DNN s)
        4. genome analysis
        5. memory systems
        6. memristors
        7. non-ideality
        8. processing in memory (PIM)


        • Research-article
        • Research
        • Refereed limited


        MICRO '23

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        Overall Acceptance Rate 484 of 2,242 submissions, 22%


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