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The Effect of Spatial Audio on Curvature Gains in VR Redirected Walking

Published: 11 May 2024 Publication History


Redirected walking (RDW) is a technique that allows users to navigate larger physical spaces in virtual reality (VR) environments by manipulating the users’ view of the virtual world. In this study, we investigate the effect of adding spatial audio elements to curvature gains in RDW aiming to increase the perceptual threshold for the manipulation and allowing for higher levels of unnoticed redirection. We conducted a user study (n = 18), evaluating perceptual thresholds across conditions with and without spatial audio elements across different curvature gains. We found that spatial audio can significantly increase thresholds with a large effect size. This finding indicates the value of spatial audio for RDW. It could facilitate higher levels of redirection, while maintaining a convincing experience, leading to more freedom to navigate virtual environments in even smaller physical spaces.

Supplemental Material

MP4 File - Video Presentation
Video Presentation
Transcript for: Video Presentation
MP4 File - Video Presentation
Video Presentation
Transcript for: Video Presentation
CSV File - Dataset
The file includes data used for the analysis, consisting of detection percentages across conditions.
JASP File - Supplemental Materials
The file includes the data analysis.


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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 11 May 2024


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  1. curvature gains
  2. redirected walking
  3. spatial audio
  4. virtual reality


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  • (2024)Towards Accessible Musical Performances in Virtual Reality: Designing a Conceptual Framework for Omnidirectional Audio DescriptionsProceedings of the 26th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility10.1145/3663548.3675618(1-17)Online publication date: 27-Oct-2024

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