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EyeGuide & EyeConGuide: Gaze-based Visual Guides to Improve 3D Sketching Systems

Published: 11 May 2024 Publication History


Visual guides help to align strokes and raise accuracy in Virtual Reality (VR) sketching tools. Automatic guides that appear at relevant sketching areas are convenient to have for a seamless sketching with a guide. We explore guides that exploit eye-tracking to render them adaptive to the user’s visual attention. EyeGuide and EyeConGuide cause visual grid fragments to appear spatially close to the user’s intended sketches, based on the information of the user’s eye-gaze direction and the 3D position of the hand. Here we evaluated the techniques in two user studies across simple and complex sketching objectives in VR. The results show that gaze-based guides have a positive effect on sketching accuracy, perceived usability and preference over manual activation in the tested tasks. Our research contributes to integrating gaze-contingent techniques for assistive guides and presents important insights into multimodal design applications in VR.

Supplemental Material

MP4 File - Video Preview
Video Preview
MP4 File - Video Presentation
Video Presentation
Transcript for: Video Presentation
MP4 File - Video showing EyeCon and EyeConGuide
This is a 5 minutes video that explains the issue, show the functionality of EyeCon and EyeConGuide,and present the study results
ZIP File - Additional User Study Results
RM ANOVA interaction results for average Task Completion and Shape Deviation for Study 1. Also, Study 2 Shape Analysis results.


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