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Podscape: Exploring the Comfort Level with Pods in Pedestrian Spaces through Immersive Simulation

Published: 11 May 2024 Publication History


As autonomous vehicles (AVs) advance in navigating complex settings, investigating their coexistence with people and how they are perceived becomes crucial. Pods, also known as low-speed autonomous transport systems (L-SATS), are emerging in pedestrian spaces, such as museums and malls, impacting people’s comfort in these environments. This research explores how incidentally copresent persons (InCoPs) perceive pods in pedestrian spaces, focusing on their comfort levels as a preliminary factor. We conducted a virtual reality study with 10 participants, examining the importance of various variables, including pod quantity, pod group formation, passenger presence, and InCoP position. Informed by our results, we discussed insights on factors improving InCoPs’ comfort, highlighting the significance of having an enhanced sense of control, the space and freedom to move around, passengers’ awareness, and the social behaviors of other copresent pedestrians.

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  1. Podscape: Exploring the Comfort Level with Pods in Pedestrian Spaces through Immersive Simulation



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    CHI EA '24: Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
    May 2024
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    Published: 11 May 2024

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