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Practising Appropriate Trust in Human-Centred AI Design

Published: 11 May 2024 Publication History


Appropriate trust, trust which aligns with system trustworthiness, in Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems has become an important area of research. However, there remains debate in the community about how to design for appropriate trust. This debate is a result of the complex nature of trust in AI, which can be difficult to understand and evaluate, as well as the lack of holistic approaches to trust. In this paper, we aim to clarify some of this debate by operationalising appropriate trust within the context of the Human-Centred AI Design (HCD) process. To do so, we organised three workshops with 13 participants total from design and development backgrounds. We carried out design activities to stimulate discussion on appropriate trust in the HCD process. This paper aims to help researchers and practitioners understand appropriate trust in AI through a design lens by illustrating how it interacts with the HCD process.

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  • (2024)A Systematic Review on Fostering Appropriate Trust in Human-AI Interaction: Trends, Opportunities and ChallengesACM Journal on Responsible Computing10.1145/36964491:4(1-45)Online publication date: 21-Sep-2024

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  1. Practising Appropriate Trust in Human-Centred AI Design



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    • (2024)A Systematic Review on Fostering Appropriate Trust in Human-AI Interaction: Trends, Opportunities and ChallengesACM Journal on Responsible Computing10.1145/36964491:4(1-45)Online publication date: 21-Sep-2024

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