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The Conceptual on the Impact of Digital Competence on Non-academic Staff's Job Performance in the Vietnam Higher Educational Context

Published: 15 December 2023 Publication History


Amid a digitally growing world, digital competence has emerged as a critical concept in discussing what kinds of proficiency individuals should have. It is believed that, in addition to professional competence, digital competence is required for the workforce to improve their work results when much of their daily work uses technologies. Nonetheless, a high rate of the Vietnamese force faces a low level of digital competence, which aligns with the global trend. Meanwhile, previous studies have mainly concentrated on developing digital competence frameworks and proposing roadmaps to apply them; this current study may help seek answers to the questions of how the digital competence of the non-academic staff impacts their job performance. This proposed study may use survey quantitative research design to serve descriptive and evaluative research purposes based on the snowball sampling techniques for data collection. This study could be a fitting response to explain to what extent digital competence impact job performance among the non-academic staff in Vietnam universities by surveying full-time members from a private university. In addition, the findings from this study may assist educational organizations in selecting strategies for improving job performance based on a better understanding of the impact of digital competence on it.


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