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On the Need of Quantum-Oriented Paradigm

Published: 04 December 2023 Publication History


Since the invention of Quantum Computing (QC) in the 1980s, substantial claims about QC’s ability to solve computational problems of unparalleled complexity have emerged. However, forty years later, no significant real-world QC applications exist. Indeed, the availability of small-scale noisy quantum computers is to blame. Still, simultaneously, the programming of quantum computers is too close to quantum hardware, requiring software engineers with specialized backgrounds to build QC applications and limiting the maximum exploitation of QC’s potential. Thus, there is a need for an abstract yet intuitive quantum-oriented paradigm (QOP) for building QC applications, similar to the object-oriented paradigm established in the 1960s for classical computers that laid the foundations of modern programming and modeling languages for classical computers. Unfortunately, such a QC paradigm doesn’t exist. Thus, we foresee the need to build a novel QOP based on which future quantum programming and modeling languages shall be developed. Such QOP shall enable users with diverse backgrounds (e.g., computer scientists, software engineers, and physicists) to build QC applications cost-effectively, intuitively, and independently of low-level quantum mechanics characteristics (e.g., superposition and entanglement). This paper discusses the emerging work of QOP and presents research directions that the software engineering and programming communities can follow to build a successful QOP.


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QP4SE 2023: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Quantum Programming for Software Engineering
December 2023
20 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 04 December 2023


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  1. modeling solutions
  2. programming paradigms
  3. quantum software
  4. quantum software development


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  • (2024)A preliminary study of the usage of design patterns in quantum softwareProceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Quantum Software Engineering10.1145/3643667.3648220(41-48)Online publication date: 16-Apr-2024
  • (2024)The quantum frontier of software engineeringInformation and Software Technology10.1016/j.infsof.2024.107525175:COnline publication date: 18-Nov-2024

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