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Breaking the VLB Barrier for Oblivious Reconfigurable Networks

Published: 11 June 2024 Publication History


In a landmark 1981 paper, Valiant and Brebner gave birth to the study of oblivious routing and, simultaneously, introduced its most powerful and ubiquitous method: Valiant load balancing (VLB). By routing messages through a randomly sampled intermediate node, VLB lengthens routing paths by a factor of two but gains the crucial property of obliviousness: it balances load in a completely decentralized manner, with no global knowledge of the communication pattern. Forty years later, with datacenters handling workloads whose communication pattern varies too rapidly to allow centralized coordination, oblivious routing is as relevant as ever, and VLB continues to take center stage as a widely used — and in some settings, provably optimal — way to balance load in the network obliviously to the traffic demands. However, the ability of the network to rapidly reconfigure its interconnection topology gives rise to new possibilities.
In this work we revisit the question of whether VLB remains optimal in the novel setting of reconfigurable networks. Prior work showed that VLB achieves the optimal tradeoff between latency and guaranteed throughput. In this work we show that a strictly superior latency-throughput tradeoff is achievable when the throughput bound is relaxed to hold with high probability. The same improved tradeoff is also achievable with guaranteed throughput under time-stationary demands, provided the latency bound is relaxed to hold with high probability and that the network is allowed to be semi-oblivious, using an oblivious (randomized) connection schedule but demand-aware routing. We prove that the latter result is not achievable by any fully-oblivious reconfigurable network design, marking a rare case in which semi-oblivious routing has a provable asymptotic advantage over oblivious routing. Our results are enabled by a novel oblivious routing scheme that improves VLB by stretching routing paths the minimum possible amount — an additive stretch of 1 rather than a multiplicative stretch of 2 — yet still manages to balance load with high probability when either the traffic demand matrix or the network’s interconnection schedule are shuffled by a uniformly random permutation. To analyze our routing scheme we prove an exponential tail bound which may be of independent interest, concerning the distribution of values of a bilinear form on an orbit of a permutation group action.


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  • (2024)Semi-Oblivious Reconfigurable Datacenter NetworksProceedings of the 23rd ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks10.1145/3696348.3696860(150-158)Online publication date: 18-Nov-2024



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STOC 2024: Proceedings of the 56th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 11 June 2024


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  1. Oblivious routing
  2. reconfigurable networks
  3. tail inequalities
  4. valiant load balancing


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  • Cisco Systems
  • Microsoft Research


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  • (2024)Semi-Oblivious Reconfigurable Datacenter NetworksProceedings of the 23rd ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks10.1145/3696348.3696860(150-158)Online publication date: 18-Nov-2024

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