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Lifting the Fog of Uncertainties: Dynamic Resource Orchestration for the Containerized Cloud

Published: 31 October 2023 Publication History


The advances in virtualization technologies have sparked a growing transition from virtual machine (VM)-based to container-based infrastructure for cloud computing. From the resource orchestration perspective, containers' lightweight and highly configurable nature not only enables opportunities for more optimized strategies, but also poses greater challenges due to additional uncertainties and a larger configuration parameter search space. Towards this end, we propose Drone, a resource orchestration framework that adaptively configures resource parameters to improve application performance and reduce operational cost in the presence of cloud uncertainties. Built on Contextual Bandit techniques, Drone is able to achieve a balance between performance and resource cost on public clouds, and optimize performance on private clouds where a hard resource constraint is present. We show that our algorithms can achieve sub-linear growth in cumulative regret, a theoretically sound convergence guarantee, and our extensive experiments show that Drone achieves an up to 45% performance improvement and a 20% resource footprint reduction across batch processing jobs and microservice workloads.


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  • (2024)An Adaptive Cloud Resource Quota Scheme Based on Dynamic Portraits and Task-Resource MatchingIEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing10.1109/TCC.2024.341039012:4(996-1010)Online publication date: Oct-2024
  • (2024)Next-Generation Cloud Databases: Balancing Performance, Sustainability, and Resource Management2024 34th International Conference on Collaborative Advances in Software and COmputiNg (CASCON)10.1109/CASCON62161.2024.10837926(1-5)Online publication date: 11-Nov-2024
  • (2023)Lifting the Fog of UncertaintiesProceedings of the 2023 ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing10.1145/3620678.3624646(48-64)Online publication date: 30-Oct-2023

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