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ANA: An Adaptive Non-outlier-detection-based Aggregation Algorithm Against Poisoning Attack for Federated Learning

Published: 03 October 2023 Publication History


Federated learning (FL) is an emerging learning paradigm in distributed machine learning (ML) that enables multiple data owners, referred to as clients, to collaboratively train a global model without sharing their local training data. The decentralized architecture of federated learning, which eliminates the need for central collection of client training data, has found widespread applications across various scenarios. However, the traditional federated learning approach, represented by FedAvg, faces unprecedented threats due to the emergence and development of poisoning attacks. In such attacks, malicious clients submit tampered gradients to the central server, leading to system failure even with a single malicious client. Although early federated aggregation algorithms, such as Krum and Median, can tolerate a certain degree of poisoning attacks, their evaluation of gradients is limited and heavily relies on outlier detection theory, making them less effective against recent non-outlier poisoning attacks. Moreover, these early methods often employ fixed threshold to filter gradients based on certain indicators, lacking flexibility. To address these challenges, this paper proposes ANA (Adaptive Non-outlier-detection-based Aggregation), a novel federated learning aggregation algorithm that overcomes the limitations of outlier detection methods. ANA evaluates gradients from multiple perspectives, including module length and direction, without relying on a fixed threshold. The proposed algorithm is tested on two real-world datasets, demonstrating its effectiveness in resisting poisoning attacks and outperforming early methods in defending against non-outlier poisoning attacks.Overall, the ANA algorithm presents a significant advancement in federated learning, providing improved resilience against poisoning attacks and offering a more comprehensive approach to gradient evaluation.


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  1. ANA: An Adaptive Non-outlier-detection-based Aggregation Algorithm Against Poisoning Attack for Federated Learning
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      CCRIS '23: Proceedings of the 2023 4th International Conference on Control, Robotics and Intelligent System
      August 2023
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 03 October 2023


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      1. Adaptive Threshold
      2. Aggregation Algorithm
      3. Federated Learning
      4. Model Poisoning Attack


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