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Exploratory Multimethod Evaluation of Experience and Behaviour in Large Public Total Media Situations

Published: 06 December 2023 Publication History


Interactive large-scale media installations are difficult to evaluate the bigger the venue, larger the audience, more media elements, and shorter the presentation time. We report on a multi-method evaluation of one such event that combined standard evaluation methods (observation, interviews, etc.) and two novel exploratory methods (self-reflective spatial mapping and 5-word elicitation). We describe findings to demonstrate strength and weaknesses of methods when applied to a complex situation. Findings highlight the situation's richness and dynamics, but also inconsistence in results gained from the methods. Among other recommendations, we conclude that, for the time being, researchers should utilize inductive approaches, as we still lack a comprehensive set of strong concepts and dynamic patterns, which are needed to understand such situations better and to develop novel deductive methods for a more cost effective user experience evaluation of large public total media situations.


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Index Terms

  1. Exploratory Multimethod Evaluation of Experience and Behaviour in Large Public Total Media Situations



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    KUI '23: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Culture and Computer Science: Code and Materiality
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