AudioGuard: Omnidirectional Indoor Intrusion Detection Using Audio Device
Article No.: 4, Pages 1 - 22
Indoor intrusion detection is a critical task for home security. Previous works in intrusion detection suffer from the problems such as blind spots in non-line-of-sight (NLOS) areas, restricted device locations, massive offline training required, and privacy concern. In this article, we design and implement an omnidirectional indoor intrusion detection system, named AudioGuard, using only a pair of speaker and microphone. AudioGuard is able to detect both line-of-sight (LOS) and NLOS intrusions. Our observation of acoustic signal propagation in an indoor environment shows that there exist abundant multipath reflections and human movement introduces Doppler shift in echo signals. We hence capture periodical Doppler shift caused by intruder's walking motion to detect intrusion. Specifically, we first extract the Doppler shift embedded in echo signals, and we then propose a periodicity polarization method to cancel out the impact of the change of radial angle and the distance on periodicity of Doppler shift. Finally, we detect intrusion by measuring periodicity of Doppler shift over time. Extensive experiments show that AudioGuard achieves a miss report rate of 0% and 1.75% for LOS and NLOS intrusion, respectively, and a false alarm rate of 4.17%.
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Index Terms
- AudioGuard: Omnidirectional Indoor Intrusion Detection Using Audio Device
Network intrusion detection
Intrusion detection is a new, retrofit approach for providing a sense of security in existing computers and data networks, while allowing them to operate in their current "open" mode. The goal of intrusion detection is to identify unauthorized use, ...
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February 2024
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Publication History
Published: 16 December 2023
Online AM: 27 September 2023
Accepted: 25 July 2023
Revised: 07 April 2023
Received: 31 October 2022
Published in TIOT Volume 5, Issue 1
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- Research-article
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- Key Research and Development Project in Shaanxi Province of China
- Shaanxi Key Industry Innovation Chain Project
- Yangling Livestock Industry Innovation Center Double-chain Fusion Project
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