Cited By
View all- Eslami NDayan N(2024)Memento Filter: A Fast, Dynamic, and Robust Range FilterProceedings of the ACM on Management of Data10.1145/36988202:6(1-27)Online publication date: 20-Dec-2024
Today's filters, such as quotient, cuckoo, and Morton, have a trade-off between space and speed; even when moderately full (e.g., 50%-75% full), their performance degrades nontrivially. The result is that today's systems designers are forced to choose ...
Filters trade off accuracy for space and occasionally return false positive matches with a bounded error. Numerous systems use filters in fast memory to avoid performing expensive I/Os to slow storage. A fundamental limitation in traditional filters is ...
In medical image processing, magnetic resonance (MR) imaging techniques play an important role. The images acquired are usually affected from various noise such as gaussian noise, salt and pepper noise, speckle noise, periodic noise etc. Therefore,...
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