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View all- Li GZhou XZhao X(2024)LLM for Data ManagementProceedings of the VLDB Endowment10.14778/3685800.368583817:12(4213-4216)Online publication date: 8-Nov-2024
Recent efforts applying machine learning techniques to query optimization have shown few practical gains due to substantive training overhead, inability to adapt to changes, and poor tail performance. Motivated by these difficulties, we introduce Bao (...
The importance and complexity of spatial join resulted in many join algorithms, some of which run on big-data platforms such as Hadoop and Spark. This paper proposes the first machine-learning-based query optimizer for spatial join operation which can ...
Query optimization is crucial for the query performance of database systems. Despite decades of efforts from both research and industrial communities, query optimization remains one of the most challenging problems. Thanks to the advances in artificial ...
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