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Detecting ChatGPT-Generated Code Submissions in a CS1 Course Using Machine Learning Models

Published: 07 March 2024 Publication History


The emergence of publicly accessible large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT poses unprecedented risks of new types of plagiarism and cheating where students use LLMs to solve exercises for them. Detecting this behavior will be a necessary component in introductory computer science (CS1) courses, and educators should be well-equipped with detection tools when the need arises. However, ChatGPT generates code non-deterministically, and thus, traditional similarity detectors might not suffice to detect AI-created code. In this work, we explore the affordances of Machine Learning (ML) models for the detection task. We used an openly available dataset of student programs for CS1 assignments and had ChatGPT generate code for the same assignments, and then evaluated the performance of both traditional machine learning models and Abstract Syntax Tree-based (AST-based) deep learning models in detecting ChatGPT code from student code submissions. Our results suggest that both traditional machine learning models and AST-based deep learning models are effective in identifying ChatGPT-generated code with accuracy above 90%. Since the deployment of such models requires ML knowledge and resources that are not always accessible to instructors, we also explore the patterns detected by deep learning models that indicate possible ChatGPT code signatures, which instructors could possibly use to detect LLM-based cheating manually. We also explore whether explicitly asking ChatGPT to impersonate a novice programmer affects the code produced. We further discuss the potential applications of our proposed models for enhancing introductory computer science instruction.


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    1. artificial intelligence
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