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CADTrack: Instructions and Support for Orientation Disambiguation of Near-Symmetrical Objects

Published: 01 November 2023 Publication History


Determining the correct orientation of objects can be critical to succeed in tasks like assembly and quality assurance. In particular, near-symmetrical objects may require careful inspection of small visual features to disambiguate their orientation. We propose CADTrack, a digital assistant for providing instructions and support for tasks where the object orientation matters but may be hard to disambiguate with the naked eye. Additionally, we present a deep learning pipeline for tracking the orientation of near-symmetrical objects. In contrast to existing approaches, which require labeled datasets involving laborious data acquisition and annotation processes, CADTrack uses a digital model of the object to generate synthetic data and train a convolutional neural network. Furthermore, we extend the architecture of Mask R-CNN with a confidence prediction branch to avoid errors caused by misleading orientation guidance. We evaluate CADTrack in a user study, comparing our tracking-based instructions to other methods to confirm the benefits of our approach in terms of preference and required effort.

Supplementary Material

Video (iss23main-p1176-p-video.mp4)
This is the presentation video for the paper CADTrack: Instructions and Support for Orientation Disambiguation of Near-Symmetrical Objects. Abstract: Determining the correct orientation of objects can be critical to succeed in tasks like assembly and quality assurance. In particular, near-symmetrical objects may require careful inspection of small visual features to disambiguate their orientation. We propose CADTrack, a digital assistant for providing instructions and support for tasks where the object orientation matters but may be hard to disambiguate with the naked eye. Additionally, we present a deep learning pipeline for tracking the orientation of near-symmetrical objects. In contrast to existing approaches, which require labeled datasets involving laborious data acquisition and annotation processes, CADTrack uses a digital model of the object to generate synthetic data and train a convolutional neural network.


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Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 7, Issue ISS
December 2023
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Published: 01 November 2023
Published in PACMHCI Volume 7, Issue ISS


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  1. dataset generation
  2. deep learning
  3. guidance
  4. industry 4.0
  5. near-symmetrical objects
  6. tracking
  7. user study


  • Research-article

Funding Sources

  • Innovation Fund Denmark


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