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Project-Based Learning Implementation Effect Comparison on the Students' Cognitive and Psychomotor Learning Outcomes at Indonesian Vocational High School Majoring in Information Technology

Published: 27 December 2023 Publication History


This research examines the influence of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) implementation on student learning outcomes in the context of Basic Computer and Networking subjects in Indonesian Vocational High Schools majoring in Information Technology during offline learning after the online learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The research used the experimental method with a static-group pretest-posttest design. The sample was taken using a purposive sampling technique of 28 experimental and 34 students as the control group. The data collected included pre-test and post-test scores using multiple-choice questions to measure student cognitive learning outcomes (CLO). The project scores in the experimental group and practical scores in the control group were calculated as psychomotor learning outcomes (PLO). The study showed significant values of the Mann-Whitney test for students’ CLO, which was 0.572, and for PLO, which was 0.015. The effect size score (r) was 0.31 based on Cohen's effect size theory, which falls into the moderate effect size category. The research proved that PjBL did not have a significant influence on CLO but had a significant influence on PLO.


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          SIET '23: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology
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          4. project-based learning
          5. psychomotor
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