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The Online Learning Interest and Learning Outcomes Through Mobile and Desktop Application Based on the Indonesian Information Technology Majoring Vocational High School Student's Perspective

Published: 27 December 2023 Publication History


This study aims to reveal whether there is a difference in the learning interest (LI) and learning outcomes (LO) of online learning through desktop and mobile applications based on student perceptions. The research occurs at the four Indonesian Information Technology Majoring Vocational High School, Malang City, East Java Province, Indonesia. The research design uses two major stages: the application development stage and the experiment stage under static-group pretest-posttest design. The application development stage uses a predictive product development approach, and an expert audit process is carried out to check the feasibility of the product so that it can be used in the learning process. The group that received a desktop application treatment (Desktop Application Group/ DAG) was set as the control group, and another was appointed as the experimental group, which received a mobile application treatment (Mobile Application Group/ MAG). LI data was collected through questionnaires, while LO data was collected through performance tests. Data was collected before and after the treatment was applied to each group. The data analyzed in the experimental research design were 240 data, of which 120 data were for the desktop application group and 120 for the mobile application group. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and independent-sample t-tests. The MAG-LI score (M=85.28; SD=5.89) was higher than the DAG-LI score (M=79.66; SD=0.39). Independent-sample t-test analysis on the DAG-LI and MAG-LI scores yielded t(238)=8.50, p<0.01, and Cohen's d=1.35. The MAG-LI score significantly differs from the DAG-LI score. The MAG-LO score (M=74.44; SD=0.54) was higher than the DAG-LO score (M=72.53; SD=0.44). Independent-sample T-Test analysis on the DAG-LO and MAG-LO scores yielded t(238)=2.66, p<0.01, and Cohen's d=3.88. The MAG-LO score significantly differs from the DAG-LO score.


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  1. The Online Learning Interest and Learning Outcomes Through Mobile and Desktop Application Based on the Indonesian Information Technology Majoring Vocational High School Student's Perspective
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          SIET '23: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology
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          1. information technology
          2. learning interest
          3. learning outcomes
          4. mobile applications
          5. online learning
          6. procedural knowledge
          7. vocational high school


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