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Build Learning System to Increase Self-Efficacy: The Role of Self-Efficacy on Work Readiness of Vocational High School Graduates in DKI Jakarta

Published: 27 December 2023 Publication History


Vocational High School (VHS) graduates should have a high level of job absorption, but the facts show the opposite. Based on the search, one of the things that provide job absorption is job readiness. From the point of view of psychology, self-efficacy is one of the things that can affect work readiness. Therefore, this study aims to see if there is a significant role of self-efficacy on job readiness. This study used predictive correlational research design. Data were taken using an online questionnaire. The sample was taken by convienience method and 213 participants were involved in this study. The Data were analyzed by simple regression analysis. The results of the analysis showed that there is a significant role of self-efficacy on work readiness With R2= 24.8. From the results of this study concluded to build a learning system in vocational high schools to help improve self-efficacy.


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