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The Relationship Level Between Students' Learning Interests, Learning Motivation, and Career Planning Awareness on the Indonesian Vocational High School Majoring in Information Technology

Published: 27 December 2023 Publication History


This study aims to determine the correlation between students’ learning interest (LI) and learning motivation (LM), learning interest (LI) and career planning awareness (CPA), and learning motivation (LM) and career planning awareness (CPA). The research was conducted at a Public Indonesian Vocational High School majoring in information technology. The research design used was a survey research design. LI, LM, and CPA data were collected using different questionnaires. The sample size used in this study was 97 students, which exceeded the minimum sample size in correlation research, with a limit of 30 respondents. The data obtained were analyzed using non-parametric statistical methods, namely Spearman's Rho. Based on the analysis of this research known that (1) the significance value is < 0.01 and the correlation coefficient is 0.510 for the correlation between LI and LM; (2) the significance value is < 0.01 and the correlation coefficient is 0.374 for the correlation between LI and CPA; (3) the significance value is < 0.01 and the correlation coefficient is 0.432 for the correlation between LM and CPA. The conclusion can be drawn is that there is a high level of relationship between LI towards LM, a moderate level of relationship between LI towards CPA, and a moderate level of relationship between LM towards CPA.


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