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Deep Learning Architectures for Facial Emotion Analysis

Published: 27 December 2023 Publication History


Mental illnesses, which affect 1 in 4 people globally, can harm a person's life if they are not detected and treated properly. To visually assess a person's mental condition, facial emotion recognition plays a huge role. One way to help automate this process is to use a trained model that can detect a person's emotion using their face as an input. With the advances of technologies capable of detecting a person's emotion, various models have been developed. To find out which model works better to detect a person's emotion, a study to compare EfficientNet-B2 and VGG19 is done. Both models are trained and evaluated against the FER+ dataset with 30 epochs. On the test split of the dataset, VGG19 achieved an accuracy of 90.58%. EfficientNet-B2 on the other hand achieved an accuracy of 78.22% on the test split of the dataset. Both models achieved low accuracy and F1 scores on disgust, fear, and contempt emotions.


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  • (2024)ViT-Based Face Diagnosis Images Analysis for Schizophrenia DetectionBrain Sciences10.3390/brainsci1501003015:1(30)Online publication date: 29-Dec-2024

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    SIET '23: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology
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    Published: 27 December 2023


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    1. Deep Learning
    2. FER+
    3. Facial Emotion Analysis
    4. Multi-task EfficientNet-B2
    5. VGG19


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