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Good GUIs, Bad GUIs: Affective Evaluation of Graphical User Interfaces

Published: 22 June 2024 Publication History


Affective computing has potential to enrich the development lifecycle of Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) and of intelligent user interfaces by incorporating emotion-aware responses. Yet, affect is seldom considered to determine whether a GUI design would be perceived as good or bad. We study how physiological signals can be used as an early, effective, and rapid affective assessment method for GUI design, without having to ask for explicit user feedback. We conducted a controlled experiment where 32 participants were exposed to 20 good GUI and 20 bad GUI designs while recording their eye activity through eye tracking, facial expressions through video recordings, and brain activity through electroencephalography (EEG). We observed noticeable differences in the collected data, so we trained and compared different computational models to tell good and bad designs apart. Taken together, our results suggest that each modality has its own “performance sweet spot” both in terms of model architecture and signal length. Taken together, our findings suggest that is possible to distinguish between good and bad designs using physiological signals. Ultimately, this research paves the way toward implicit evaluation methods of GUI designs through user modeling.


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UMAP '24: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
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