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Enhancing Deep Entity Resolution with Integrated Blocker-Matcher Training: Balancing Consensus and Discrepancy

Published: 21 October 2024 Publication History


Deep entity resolution (ER) identifies matching entities across data sources using techniques based on deep learning. It involves two steps: a blocker for identifying the potential matches to generate the candidate pairs, and a matcher for accurately distinguishing the matches and non-matches among these candidate pairs. Recent deep ER approaches utilize pretrained language models (PLMs) to extract similarity features for blocking and matching, achieving state-of-the-art performance. However, they often fail to balance the consensus and discrepancy between the blocker and matcher, emphasizing the consensus while neglecting the discrepancy. This paper proposes MutualER, a deep entity resolution framework that integrates and jointly trains the blocker and matcher, balancing both the consensus and discrepancy between them. Specifically, we firstly introduce a lightweight PLM in siamese structure for the blocker and a heavier PLM in cross structure or an autoregressive large language model (LLM) for the matcher. Two optimization techniques named Mutual Sample Selection (MSS) and Similarity Knowledge Transferring (SKT) are designed to jointly train the blocker and matcher. MSS enables the blocker and matcher to mutually select the customized training samples for each other to maintain the discrepancy, while SKT allows them to share the similarity knowledge for improving their blocking and matching capabilities respectively to maintain the consensus. Extensive experiments on five datasets demonstrate that MutualER significantly outperforms existing PLM-based and LLM-based approaches, achieving leading performance in both effectiveness and efficiency.


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Index Terms

  1. Enhancing Deep Entity Resolution with Integrated Blocker-Matcher Training: Balancing Consensus and Discrepancy



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      1. blocking
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      5. large language models
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