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Fintech Key-Phrase: A New Chinese Financial High-Tech Dataset Accelerating Expression-Level Information Retrieval

Published: 22 November 2023 Publication History


Expression-level information extraction is a challenging task in natural language processing (NLP), which aims to retrieve crucial semantic information from linguistic documents. However, there is a lack of up-to-date data resources for accelerating expression-level information extraction, particularly in the Chinese financial high technology field. To address this gap, we introduce Fintech Key-Phrase: a human-annotated key-phrase dataset for the Chinese financial high technology domain. This dataset comprises over 12K paragraphs along with annotated domain-specific key-phrases. We extract the publicly released reports, Chinese management’s discussion and analysis (CMD&A), from the renowned Chinese research data services platform (CNRDS) and then filter the reports related to high technology. The high technology key-phrases are annotated following pre-defined philosophy guidelines to ensure annotation quality. In order to better understand the limitations and challenges in the purposed dataset, we conducted comprehensive noise evaluation experiments for the Fintech Key-Phrase, including annotation consistency assessment and absolute annotation quality evaluation. To demonstrate the usefulness of our released Fintech Key-Phrase in retrieving valuable information in the Chinese financial high technology field, we evaluate its significance using several superior information retrieval systems as representative baselines and report corresponding performance statistics. Additionally, we further applied ChatGPT to the text augmentation approach of the Fintech Key-Phrase dataset. Extensive comparative experiments demonstrate that the augmented Fintech Key-Phrase dataset significantly improved the coverage and accuracy of extracting key phrases in the finance and high-tech domains. We believe that this dataset can facilitate scientific research and exploration in the Chinese financial high technology field. We have made the Fintech Key-Phrase dataset and the experimental code of the adopted baselines accessible on Github: To encourage newcomers to participate in the financial high-tech domain information retrieval research, we have developed a series of tools, including an open website and corresponding real-time information retrieval APIs.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing
ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing  Volume 22, Issue 11
November 2023
255 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 22 November 2023
Online AM: 01 November 2023
Accepted: 11 October 2023
Revised: 13 June 2023
Received: 28 December 2022
Published in TALLIP Volume 22, Issue 11


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Author Tags

  1. Information retrieval
  2. expression-level information extraction
  3. financial high technology field
  4. Chinese management’s discussion and analysis
  5. ChatGPT-based data augment


  • Research-article

Funding Sources

  • Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Intelligent Processing for Big Energy Data
  • National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars
  • Major Research Plan of National Natural Science Foundation of China


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