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An Integration Model to Enhance Information Systems Administration and Data Sharing: A Case of Namibian Lower Courts

Published: 30 January 2024 Publication History


The Namibian lower courts in the pursuit to address poor service delivery and inefficiency, implemented the Namibian Courts Information System (NAMCIS) in magistrates’ courts across the country. NAMCIS handles case-flow management and financial transactions. The current setup of these information systems is not centralised and each NAMCIS operates from a stand-alone server. This has seen challenges with systems administration and data reporting, whereby maintenance, as well as administration of the systems, is time-consuming and the information is inaccurate. Integrating the lower courts’ information systems is proposed as an aid to the issues at hand.
A qualitative research strategy was employed to allow the researcher to gain an in-depth understanding of the lower courts' computing environment. The study adopted a case study design, whereby the Office of the Judiciary was the case. Semi-structured interviews and open-ended questionnaires were used for data collection. Data was analysed interpretively. Based on the findings from the analysis, an integration model was developed. This study will act as a guide to industry practitioners who will embark upon the integration of NAMCIS since each systems integration exercise is unique to its environment.


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  1. An Integration Model to Enhance Information Systems Administration and Data Sharing: A Case of Namibian Lower Courts



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      AfriCHI '23: Proceedings of the 4th African Human Computer Interaction Conference
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      Published: 30 January 2024


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      1. data sharing
      2. integration model
      3. systems administration
      4. systems integration


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      AfriCHI 2023
      AfriCHI 2023: 4th African Human Computer Interaction Conference
      November 27 - December 1, 2023
      East London, South Africa


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