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A Systematic Literature Review of DevOps Success Factors and Adoption Models

Published: 07 December 2023 Publication History


This paper investigates DevOps adoption, emphasizing its cultural dimensions in the context of the information systems domain. Utilizing a robust systematic literature review methodology, we discerned nine salient success factors and delineated three stage models instrumental for a smooth transition into DevOps-centric projects. Despite the increasing breadth of research in the DevOps area, the absence of a consolidated definition remains a challenge, underscoring the importance of a unified interpretative framework. This research notably extends the current body of knowledge by focusing on the cultural dynamics of DevOps adoption. As a result, it offers a refined lens through which both practitioners involved in the adoption process and academic researchers can comprehend the nuances and implications of cultural shifts in the evolving landscape of DevOps within information systems.


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  1. A Systematic Literature Review of DevOps Success Factors and Adoption Models



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      SOICT '23: Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology
      December 2023
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