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Robust RGB-T Tracking via Adaptive Modality Weight Correlation Filters and Cross-modality Learning

Published: 11 December 2023 Publication History


RGBT tracking is gaining popularity due to its ability to provide effective tracking results in a variety of weather conditions. However, feature specificity and complementarity have not been fully used in existing models that directly fuse the correlation filtering response, which leads to poor tracker performance. In this article, we propose correlation filters with adaptive modality weight and cross-modality learning (AWCM) ability to solve multimodality tracking tasks. First, we use weighted activation to fuse thermal infrared and visible modalities, and the fusion modality is used as an auxiliary modality to suppress noise and increase the learning ability of shared modal features. Second, we design modal weights through average peak-to-correlation energy coefficients to improve model reliability. Third, we propose consistency in using the fusion modality as an intermediate variable for joint learning consistency, thereby increasing tracker robustness via interactive cross-modal learning. Finally, we use the alternating direction method of multipliers algorithm to produce a closed solution and conduct extensive experiments on the RGBT234, VOT-TIR2019, and GTOT tracking benchmark datasets to demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed AWCM against compared to existing tracking algorithms. The code developed in this study is available at the following website.


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  1. Robust RGB-T Tracking via Adaptive Modality Weight Correlation Filters and Cross-modality Learning



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    cover image ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
    ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications  Volume 20, Issue 4
    April 2024
    676 pages
    • Editor:
    • Abdulmotaleb El Saddik
    Issue’s Table of Contents


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 11 December 2023
    Online AM: 25 October 2023
    Accepted: 21 October 2023
    Revised: 27 August 2023
    Received: 10 April 2023
    Published in TOMM Volume 20, Issue 4


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    1. Correlation filters
    2. RGBT tracking
    3. adaptive modality weight
    4. cross-modality learning


    • Research-article

    Funding Sources

    • National Natural Science Foundation of China
    • Chongqing Talent
    • Joint Equipment Pre Research and Key Fund Project of the Ministry of Education
    • Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing, China
    • Human Resources and Social Security Bureau Project of Chongqing
    • Guangdong Oppo Mobile Telecommunications Corporation Ltd.


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