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Proposed Real-Time Data Aggregation Scheme for Cluster-based WSN Sensor Nodes

Published: 12 December 2023 Publication History


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are continuously used in different fields of application. As data transmission increases, it becomes necessary to suggest methods for enhancing energy efficiency, reducing data latency, and alleviating network congestion. Data Aggregation is an approach to enhance network lifetime and reduce data latency when data is transmitted across the network. Data gathered in WSNs must be aggregated properly and arrive in time at the gateway, as these are usually deployed to collect real-time data. Although different protocols have been developed to improve data aggregation, few have only been implemented in real-time WSNs. This study proposes a two-level cluster-based data aggregation protocol for real-time WSN clusters. The proposed data aggregation protocol is implemented in a testbed scenario to explore its feasibility and was evaluated using metrics that cover power consumption, packet transmissions between the sensor nodes and cluster head, percent of aggregation, total data points, and the resources identified for the protocol to operate properly. Overall, based on the test scenarios implemented, the protocol can significantly lessen the amount of data points to be sent to the sink wherein a minimum of 50% of the data points can be aggregated for accelerometer data while 40% for temperature data. Additionally, the aggregation protocol was able to retain a minimum of 33% of the original accelerometer data and a minimum of 51% of the temperature data.


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Cited By

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  • (2025)An Intelligent Water Level Estimation System Considering Water Level Device Gauge Image Recognition and Wireless Sensor NetworksJournal of Sensor and Actuator Networks10.3390/jsan1401001314:1(13)Online publication date: 30-Jan-2025
  • (2024)Energy and Bandwidth Efficient Cluster Based Data Aggregation for Lifetime Improvement of IoT based Wireless Sensor Networks2024 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence For Internet of Things (AIIoT)10.1109/AIIoT58432.2024.10574698(1-6)Online publication date: 3-May-2024



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AINTEC '23: Proceedings of the 18th Asian Internet Engineering Conference
December 2023
129 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 12 December 2023


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Author Tags

  1. Data aggregation
  2. IoT
  3. WSN
  4. Wireless Sensor Networks
  5. cluster-based


  • Research-article
  • Research
  • Refereed limited

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AINTEC '23: Asian Internet Engineering Conference
December 12 - 14, 2023
Hanoi, Vietnam

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Overall Acceptance Rate 15 of 38 submissions, 39%


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  • (2025)An Intelligent Water Level Estimation System Considering Water Level Device Gauge Image Recognition and Wireless Sensor NetworksJournal of Sensor and Actuator Networks10.3390/jsan1401001314:1(13)Online publication date: 30-Jan-2025
  • (2024)Energy and Bandwidth Efficient Cluster Based Data Aggregation for Lifetime Improvement of IoT based Wireless Sensor Networks2024 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence For Internet of Things (AIIoT)10.1109/AIIoT58432.2024.10574698(1-6)Online publication date: 3-May-2024

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