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Design of a software prototype for listening comprehension of the Ixcatecan language

Published: 06 January 2024 Publication History


The development of listening comprehension is important in the process of learning a language, students distinguish sounds, understand vocabulary, interpret the meaning of the intonations of words. The objective of this research is to design support software for the development of listening comprehension of the Ixcatecan language aimed at children from six to twelve years old. Applying the Design Thinking methodology a medium-fidelity software prototype was obtained, this was evaluated by five users, the metrics considered were effectiveness (success rate), efficiency (user effort level to interact with the prototype) and user satisfaction level, the results obtained were 100% effectiveness, 100% efficiency and 8.82 average satisfaction, with these values a usable prototype for listening comprehension of the Ixcatecan language was obtained.


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CLIHC '23: Proceedings of the XI Latin American Conference on Human Computer Interaction
October 2023
247 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 06 January 2024


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