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Analyzing the Factors Affecting the Behavioral Intention of Customers in a Testing Laboratory Facility Using Structural Equation Modeling

Published: 26 December 2023 Publication History


Service quality in the testing laboratory industry is crucial due to business dependence and high expectations of customers for its services. Excellent quality of service could enhance satisfaction and favorable intentions, including re-availing service, positive recommendations, and word of mouth. The study's objective is to determine the significant service dimensions in material testing service at ADMATEL, Philippines. In addition, the influence of perceived service quality, perceived value, service price, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intention was analyzed, along with the mediating roles of value and satisfaction. A standardized survey was developed and randomly distributed to customers of ADMATEL who had personal encounters with their service transactions. Data analysis was executed using Partial Least Squares (PLS-SEM) via SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results indicate that laboratory staff attitude and behavior, responsiveness, communication, reliability, and test report dimensions determine the technical-functional service quality for ADMATEL. Furthermore, the findings showed that perceived service quality and value significantly affect customer satisfaction and behavioral intention and that perceived value and customer satisfaction have partial mediating effects. ADMATEL management must develop ways to enhance overall satisfaction and exceed customer service requirements through service quality and value.


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  1. Analyzing the Factors Affecting the Behavioral Intention of Customers in a Testing Laboratory Facility Using Structural Equation Modeling



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