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Gamification Research Focus in Learning Mathematics

Published: 26 December 2023 Publication History


Gamification in the educational process is implementing gaming elements into activities that are usually unrelated to games to increase student motivation and student participation in learning. This study aims to examine the research landscape related to Gamification in mathematics learning from 2013 to 2023. The method used in this research is a literature review with a bibliometric analysis approach using Vosviewer. The Scopus database was used for the literature review, which included 61 documents that met the criteria and were analysed. According to the findings, 2021 was the year with the most Gamification-related publications, and Spain accounted for the most. Spain, United States, Mexico, and Colombia have the most extensive international cooperation on this topic. Based on the cluster displayed, research on Gamification in mathematics learning has some specific focus, namely (1) The integration of ICT and collaboration in digital technology-related projects, (2) the implementation of Gamification in educational settings to increase student engagement and motivation, and (3) serious game as a strategy for learning mathematical concept. The next researcher is advised to look into how well Gamification can improve cognitive abilities and how different Gamification techniques affect students' motivation and academic success on diverse educational levels.


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  1. Gamification Research Focus in Learning Mathematics



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    Published: 26 December 2023


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