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LiteWiSys: A Lightweight System for WiFi-based Dual-task Action Perception

Published: 11 May 2024 Publication History


As two important contents in WiFi-based action perception, detection and recognition require localizing motion regions from the entire temporal sequences and classifying the corresponding categories. Existing approaches, though yielding reasonably acceptable performances, are suffering from two major drawbacks: heavy empirical dependency and large computational complexity. In order to solve these issues, we develop LiteWiSys in this article, a lightweight system in an end-to-end deep learning manner to simultaneously detect and recognize WiFi-based human actions. Specifically, we assign different attentions on sub-carriers, which are then compressed to reduce noise and information redundancy. Then, LiteWiSys integrates deep separable convolution and a channel shuffle mechanism into a multi-scale convolutional backbone structure. By feature channel split, two network branches are obtained and further trained with a joint loss function for dual tasks. We collect different datasets at multi-scenes and conduct experiments to evaluate the performance of LiteWiSys. In comparison to existing WiFi sensing systems, LiteWiSys achieves promising precision with lower complexity.


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  1. LiteWiSys: A Lightweight System for WiFi-based Dual-task Action Perception



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
    ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks  Volume 20, Issue 4
    July 2024
    603 pages
    • Editor:
    • Wen Hu
    Issue’s Table of Contents


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Journal Family

    Publication History

    Published: 11 May 2024
    Online AM: 10 November 2023
    Accepted: 30 October 2023
    Revised: 20 September 2023
    Received: 06 February 2023
    Published in TOSN Volume 20, Issue 4

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    Author Tags

    1. Lightweight
    2. dual-task
    3. wifi-based action perception
    4. detection and recognition


    • Research-article

    Funding Sources

    • National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China
    • National Natural Science Foundation of China
    • National Science Foundation for Excellent Young Scholars of Jiangsu Province
    • Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China
    • China Postdoctoral Science Foundation
    • China Postdoctoral Special Grant Foundation


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