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Joint Class Learning with Self Similarity Projection for EEG Emotion Recognition

Published: 04 January 2024 Publication History


Brainwaves acquired through Electroencephalogram (EEG) capture emotions more reliably compared to other modalities for better human-computer interactions. Existing studies mainly focus on modelling tempo-spectral-spatial properties of EEG signals through transformation of the conventional features by using different deep learning techniques. However, learning intra and inter emotion class characteristics, have remained unexplored for EEG emotion recognition task. In this work, we propose a two-step learning approach to enable this. The model first performs a joint emotion class learning (jecl) to learn the class specific discriminative representation from EEG signals by retaining the similarities shared between different emotion classes. This is followed by self-similarity learning (ssl) which projects these embeddings into a joint discriminative latent subspace ensuring maximal covariance with the actual EEG input; we name our proposed approach as jec-ssl. The jec-ssl embeddings are further used to train a classifier for EEG emotion recognition task. Experiments with DEAP EEG emotion database show new state-of-the-art results in terms of accuracy and F1-score.


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  1. Joint Class Learning with Self Similarity Projection for EEG Emotion Recognition
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        cover image ACM Other conferences
        CODS-COMAD '24: Proceedings of the 7th Joint International Conference on Data Science & Management of Data (11th ACM IKDD CODS and 29th COMAD)
        January 2024
        627 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 04 January 2024


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        Author Tags

        1. EEG
        2. Emotion
        3. Joint Class Learning
        4. Partial Least Square
        5. Self-similarity
        6. Subspace Learning


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        • Research
        • Refereed limited


        CODS-COMAD 2024


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