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Contextualizing Answer Ranking: Embracing Multi-dimensional Enhanced Knowledge

Published: 28 February 2024 Publication History


Generative question answering (QA) involves the challenging task of producing contextually relevant answers to questions in text generation. Existing methodologies primarily solving the task of generative QA such as sequence-to-sequence models and autoregressive models utilize diverse strategies to improve answer quality in the generation process. However, these models might struggle with contextual coherence and generate answers that may not align with related knowledge. Therefore, we propose a two-stage framework CARMEK for generative QA which incorporates re-ranking stage and integrates diverse knowledge sources within the re-ranking stage, to achieve contextually relevant answers. Through rigorous experiments on diverse datasets, our method demonstrates improvements in ROUGE-1/2/L metrics, highlighting its effectiveness in generative QA.


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Published: 28 February 2024


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  1. Knowledge Fusion
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