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Using Process Enhancement to Predict Organizational Citizenship Behavior via the Role of Sustainable Training Practices

Published: 28 February 2024 Publication History


Sustainable practices and artificial intelligence techniques are the new trends of organizations to enhance and optimize their various business processes to attain cost reduction and better impact. Each and every process is being influenced by these trends. Therefore, the current study focuses on amalgamating the heuristics of both trends to determine their combined effect on the organizations. The study develops the predictive strength of the business process of sustainable training practices on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) of employees using process mining techniques. Varied artificial intelligence methods like ANN, KNN, SVM, NB, Randomforest, XGBoost have been applied to find the best technique to determine OCB of the employees. Out of these six techniques, SVM came out to be the most accurate technique with 95 % accuracy in predicting the proposed model.


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  1. Using Process Enhancement to Predict Organizational Citizenship Behavior via the Role of Sustainable Training Practices



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          ICCPR '23: Proceedings of the 2023 12th International Conference on Computing and Pattern Recognition
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          1. Business process mining
          2. OCB
          3. Sustainable training practices
          4. business
          5. prediction
          6. process


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