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Rare Association Rule Mining Based on Reinforcement Learning

Published: 28 February 2024 Publication History


In some cases, it is more important to discover rare association rules than frequent itemsets. Unique rules represent rare cases, activities or events in real-world applications. Extracting critical activities from massive regular data is crucial. In this study, we introduce RARM-RL, a reinforcement learning-based approach for discovering rare association rules. In RARM-RL, the environment specifies iterative steps to extract rare association rules from the data set. In this method, the agent takes actions to either add or remove an item from the current set of items. After each action, the agent receives a reward from the environment. By repeating this process and trying different actions with varying rewards, the agent is trained to maximize the total reward. The goal is to learn an optimal strategy that allows the agent to form as many rare association rules as possible. Extensive experiments have been conducted to test the effectiveness of this method in mining rare association rules, and the results have shown promising potential for its applicability in different scenarios (such as agent transferability).


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  1. Rare Association Rule Mining Based on Reinforcement Learning



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    ICCPR '23: Proceedings of the 2023 12th International Conference on Computing and Pattern Recognition
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    Published: 28 February 2024


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    1. data mining
    2. knowledge discovery
    3. rare association rule mining
    4. reinforcement learning


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