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DEEPFAKER: A Unified Evaluation Platform for Facial Deepfake and Detection Models

Published: 05 February 2024 Publication History


Deepfake data contains realistically manipulated faces—its abuses pose a huge threat to the security and privacy-critical applications. Intensive research from academia and industry has produced many deepfake/detection models, leading to a constant race of attack and defense. However, due to the lack of a unified evaluation platform, many critical questions on this subject remain largely unexplored. How is the anti-detection ability of the existing deepfake models? How generalizable are existing detection models against different deepfake samples? How effective are the detection APIs provided by the cloud-based vendors? How evasive and transferable are adversarial deepfakes in the lab and real-world environment? How do various factors impact the performance of deepfake and detection models?
To bridge the gap, we design and implement DEEPFAKER a unified and comprehensive deepfake detection evaluation platform. Specifically, DEEPFAKER has integrated 10 state-of-the-art deepfake methods and 9 representative detection methods, while providing a user-friendly interface and modular design that allows for easy integration of new methods. Leveraging DEEPFAKER, we conduct a large-scale empirical study of facial deepfake/detection models and draw a set of key findings: (i) the detection methods have poor generalization on samples generated by different deepfake methods; (ii) there is no significant correlation between anti-detection ability and visual quality of deepfake samples; (iii) the current detection APIs have poor detection performance and adversarial deepfakes can achieve about 70% attack success rate on all cloud-based vendors, calling for an urgent need to deploy effective and robust detection APIs; (iv) the detection methods in the lab are more robust against transfer attacks than the detection APIs in the real-world environment; and (v) deepfake videos may not always be more difficult to detect after video compression. We envision that DEEPFAKER will benefit future research on facial deepfake and detection.

A Appendix

A.1 Details of the Deepfake Dataset

The dataset is generated by 10 state-of-the-art deepfake methods integrated in the current DEEPFAKER platform. It consists of two parts: the deepfake videos and the deepfake images. Among them, the deepfake videos are generated by the face swapping and face reenactment methods, including seven deepfake methods with a total of 21,000 videos. The deepfake images are generated by all the deepfake methods integrated in the platform, and the number is 24,000. An illustration of the deepfake dataset is shown in Figure 13.

A.2 Scalability of the DEEPFAKER Platform

Our DEEPFAKER platform is highly scalable and designed to be easily extensible, allowing new models to be integrated seamlessly. To integrate a new model into the platform, the following steps can be followed. First, the user should package their method into a Docker container with all necessary dependencies and configuration files. Second, the method should be integrated with the platform’s API by defining input and output parameters and mapping them to the API endpoints. This process involves creating a Flask application that serves as the API, defining endpoints that correspond to the desired input and output parameters of the method, and mapping those endpoints to a function that executes the method. A code example that demonstrates how to integrate a detection method into the platform is presented next.

A.3 Additional Deepfake-Detection Interaction Evaluation

Table 11 shows the evaluation results of detection methods against deepfake samples generated from data obtained online. We can see that the overall trend of evaluation results obtained from the downloaded data remains consistent with those from the CelebA-HQ dataset. The average performance of all detection methods ranges approximately between 50% and 70% on all deepfake samples. It highlights the limited generalization ability of current detection methods to previously unseen deepfake samples. The effectiveness of each detection method varies based on different types of deepfake data, revealing distinct advantages and limitations across various deepfake techniques.
Table 11.
 Face SwappingFace Reenactment 
Table 11. AUC Scores of Detection Methods against Deepfake Samples Generated from the Downloaded Data

A.4 Diffusion-Based Methods Performance Evaluation

We introduce and evaluate two diffusion-based methods, namely Diff-AE and DiffusionCLIP. Consistent with the experimental setup for evaluating attribute editing methods, we select 200 images from the source image dataset and manipulate the face of these images with five different attributes. Correspondingly, each method generates 1,000 attribute-edited images. The evaluation results in Table 12 show that the average AUC scores of various detection methods for Diff-AE and DiffusionCLIP are 58.23% and 46.63%, respectively. These scores are lower than the evaluation results of the GAN-based methods in Table 6. It also indicates that the diffusion-based models exhibit stronger anti-detection ability. This phenomenon may be because these existing detection methods are primarily designed for detecting fake images generated by GAN-based methods. Consequently, their generalization ability is relatively limited when applied to new images generated by diffusion models.
Table 12.
Table 12. AUC Scores of Detection Methods against Diffusion-Based Attribute Editing Methods

A.5 Additional Detection APIs Effectiveness Evaluation

We use the AUC metric to evaluate the effectiveness of the detection APIs, and the results are presented in Table 13. It can be observed that the detection APIs performs better in distinguishing between real and fake images compared to videos. Moreover, for the detection of videos, the AUC scores of the detection APIs align with the overall trend of the local detection models presented in Tables 5 and 11, averaging between about 50% and 70%. Note that since the commercial detection APIs are constantly updated, Table 13 calculates the AUC scores based on the latest results returned by Baidu.
Table 13.
Table 13. Effectiveness Evaluation of Different Detection APIs with AUC Scores

A.6 Additional Detection Robustness Evaluation

Consistent with the experimental settings of iterative gradient sign attacks, we incorporate adversarial attack methods FGSM and PGD to generate adversarial deepfakes. The evaluation results of detection methods against adversarial deepfakes generated by FGSM are presented in Tables 14 and 15, whereas the robustness evaluations based on PGD are shown in Tables 16 and 17. Although the transfer attack capabilities of adversarial deepfakes generated under different attack methods are different (PGD \(\gt\) IFGSM \(\gt\) FGSM), these results collectively indicate the insufficient robustness of current detection models, falling significantly below our expectations. This emphasizes the demand for future detection models to enhance their robustness against adversarial attacks.
Table 14.
Table 14. Robustness Evaluation of Detection Methods against Adversarial Deepfake Videos Generated by FGSM
Table 15.
Table 15. Robustness Evaluation of Detection Methods against Adversarial Deepfake Images Generated by FGSM
Table 16.
Table 16. Robustness Evaluation of Detection Methods against Adversarial Deepfake Videos Generated by PGD
Table 17.
Image (tops-2023-05-0099-t18.jpg) is missing or otherwise invalid.
Table 17. Robustness Evaluation of Detection Methods against Adversarial Deepfake Images Generated by PGD

A.7 Impact of Input Quality

To verify the impact of the quality of the source image on the face reenactment methods, we generate fake samples using FOMM and FSGAN\(_R\) under different experimental settings. The evaluation results in Figure 14(a) and (b) show that the quality of the source images has no consistent effect on the anti-detection performance of the face reenactment methods across different detection methods.
For the impact of the quality the driving video on face swapping methods, we choose SimSwap and FSGAN\(_S\) to generate deepfake samples and use different detection methods to evaluate their anti-detection ability. According to the results in Figure 14(c) and (d), we can see that the fake samples generated from the strongly compressed (C40) driving videos have the worst anti-detection ability against VA-MLP and CViT. Therefore, the quality of the driving video has a significant influence on the anti-detection performance of the face swapping models.

A.8 Impact of Video Compression

In general, compressed deepfake videos are considered more challenging for detection methods. Here, we evaluate the impact of compressed videos on different deepfake and detection methods. To this end, we perform different degrees of compression on the fake videos generated by FOMM, FSGAN\(_R\), FSGAN\(_S\), and SimSwap. Figure 15 shows the anti-detection performance of the compressed videos on different detection models. We can see that the deepfake videos generated by FSGAN\(_R\), FSGAN\(_S\), and SimSwap are more difficult to detect after strong compression (C40). However, the fake videos generated by FOMM show the worst anti-detection performance across all detection methods under strong compression (low quality). Therefore, compressed fake videos are not always more difficult to detect.


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Cited By

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  • (2024)Video and Audio Deepfake Datasets and Open Issues in Deepfake Technology: Being Ahead of the CurveForensic Sciences10.3390/forensicsci40300214:3(289-377)Online publication date: 13-Jul-2024
  • (2023)A Comprehensive Review of DeepFake Detection Using Advanced Machine Learning and Fusion MethodsElectronics10.3390/electronics1301009513:1(95)Online publication date: 25-Dec-2023

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  1. DEEPFAKER: A Unified Evaluation Platform for Facial Deepfake and Detection Models



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    cover image ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security
    ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security  Volume 27, Issue 1
    February 2024
    369 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 05 February 2024
    Online AM: 29 November 2023
    Accepted: 17 November 2023
    Revised: 11 October 2023
    Received: 15 May 2023
    Published in TOPS Volume 27, Issue 1


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    1. Facial deepfake
    2. deepfake detection
    3. adversarial machine learning
    4. experimental evaluation


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    • Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation


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    • (2024)Video and Audio Deepfake Datasets and Open Issues in Deepfake Technology: Being Ahead of the CurveForensic Sciences10.3390/forensicsci40300214:3(289-377)Online publication date: 13-Jul-2024
    • (2023)A Comprehensive Review of DeepFake Detection Using Advanced Machine Learning and Fusion MethodsElectronics10.3390/electronics1301009513:1(95)Online publication date: 25-Dec-2023

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