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Eulerian elastoplastic simulation of vehicle structures by building-cube method on supercomputer Fugaku

Published: 19 January 2024 Publication History


This paper presents a novel numerical method for the elastoplastic simulation of vehicle component structures under large deformation problems, such as crash-worthiness analysis. Elastoplastic simulation of vehicle structures is essential for designing safer and more efficient vehicles, but poses significant challenges for a conventional finite element method (FEM) due to the limitation of parallel performance and mesh distortion at large deformations. To overcome these challenges, we propose using the cell-centered finite-volume method (CCFVM) in the Eulerian description and the building-cube method (BCM). The Eulerian CCFVM is a robust scheme for solving large deformations of the continuum by spatially fixed collocated Cartesian mesh, which enables a simpler data structure than conventional FEM. The BCM is a hierarchical Cartesian mesh approach in which the computational domain is divided into cubic regions with adaptive refinement suitable for parallel computing. The combination of Eulerian CCFVM and BCM enables us to perform high-fidelity simulations of vehicle component structures. We demonstrate the validity and scalability of the present method by computing a three-point bending test of vehicle component structures using different geometries, such as impact beams. The numerical results show good agreement with the reference results obtained by LS-DYNA, a commercial FEM code. We also achieve a weak scaling of 73.5% in an elastoplastic simulation of about 540 million cell mesh using 131,072 cores of supercomputer Fugaku. The proposed method is expected to contribute to the development of geometrically complex crushable structures by giga-casting and 3D printing, which are emerging manufacturing techniques for vehicle structures.


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HPCAsia '24: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region
January 2024
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 19 January 2024


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  1. cell-centered finite volume method
  2. elastoplasticity
  3. hierarchical Cartesian mesh
  4. large deformation
  5. vehicle structures


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