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STONE: A Spatio-temporal OOD Learning Framework Kills Both Spatial and Temporal Shifts

Published: 24 August 2024 Publication History


Traffic prediction is a crucial task in the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), receiving significant attention from both industry and academia. Numerous spatio-temporal graph convolutional networks have emerged for traffic prediction and achieved remarkable success. However, these models have limitations in terms of generalization and scalability when dealing with Out-of-Distribution (OOD) graph data with both structural and temporal shifts. To tackle the challenges of spatio-temporal shift, we propose a framework called STONE by learning invariable node dependencies, which achieve stable performance in variable environments. STONE initially employs gated-transformers to extract spatial and temporal semantic graphs. These two kinds of graphs represent spatial and temporal dependencies, respectively. Then we design three techniques to address spatio-temporal shifts. Firstly, we introduce a Fréchet embedding method that is insensitive to structural shifts, and this embedding space can integrate loose position dependencies of nodes within the graph. Secondly, we propose a graph intervention mechanism to generate multiple variant environments by perturbing two kinds of semantic graphs without any data augmentations, and STONE can explore invariant node representation from environments. Finally, we further introduce an explore-to-extrapolate risk objective to enhance the variety of generated environments. We conduct experiments on multiple traffic datasets, and the results demonstrate that our proposed model exhibits competitive performance in terms of generalization and scalability.

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  1. causal graph learning
  2. out-of-distribution generalization
  3. spatio-temporal data mining
  4. traffic prediction


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  • the Project of Stable Support for Youth Teamin Basic Research Field, CAS
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