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Customizing Graph Neural Network for CAD Assembly Recommendation

Published: 24 August 2024 Publication History


CAD assembly modeling, which refers to using CAD software to design new products from a catalog of existing machine components, is important in the industrial field. The graph neural network (GNN) based recommender system for CAD assembly modeling can help designers make decisions and speed up the design process by recommending the next required component based on the existing components in CAD software. These components can be represented as a graph naturally. However, present recommender systems for CAD assembly modeling adopt fixed GNN architectures, which may be sub-optimal for different manufacturers with different data distribution. Therefore, to customize a well-suited recommender system for different manufacturers, we propose a novel neural architecture search (NAS) framework, dubbed CusGNN, which can design data-specific GNN automatically. Specifically, we design a search space from three dimensions (i.e., aggregation, fusion, and readout functions), which contains a wide variety of GNN architectures. Then, we develop an effective differentiable search algorithm to search high-performing GNN from the search space. Experimental results show that the customized GNNs achieve 1.5-5.1% higher top-10 accuracy compared to previous manual designed methods, demonstrating the superiority of the proposed approach. Code and data are available at

Supplemental Material

MP4 File - Customizing Graph Neural Network for CAD Assembly Recommendation
Our promotion video introduces the background of CAD assembly modeling and the next component recommendation task. We also explain our motivation for applying Graph NAS method to this task and our concrete method.


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KDD '24: Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
August 2024
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Published: 24 August 2024


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  1. computer-aided design
  2. graph neural networks
  3. neural architecture search
  4. recommender system


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