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Profiling Urban Streets: A Semi-Supervised Prediction Model Based on Street View Imagery and Spatial Topology

Published: 24 August 2024 Publication History


With the expansion and growth of cities, profiling urban areas with the advent of multi-modal urban datasets (e.g., points-of-interest and street view imagery) has become increasingly important in urban planing and management. Particularly, street view images have gained popularity for understanding the characteristics of urban areas due to its abundant visual information and inherent correlations with human activities. In this study, we define a street segment represented by multiple street view images as the minimum spatial unit for analysis and predict its functional and socioeconomic indicators, which presents several challenges in modeling spatial distributions of images on a street and the spatial topology (adjacency) of streets. Meanwhile, Large Language Models are capable of understanding imagery data based on its extraordinary knowledge base and unveil a remarkable opportunity for profiling streets with images. In view of the challenges and opportunity, we present a semi-supervised Urban Street Profiling Model (USPM) based on street view imagery and spatial adjacency of urban streets. Specifically, given a street with multiple images, we first employ a newly designed spatial context-based contrastive learning method to generate feature vectors of images and then apply the LSTM-based fusion method to encode multiple images on a street to yield the street visual representation; we then create the descriptions of street scenes for street view images based on the SPHINX (a large language model) and produce the street textual representation; finally, we build an urban street graph based on spatial topology (adjacency) and employ a semi-supervised graph learning algorithm to further encode the street representations for prediction. We conduct thorough experiments with real-world datasets to assess the proposed USPM. The experimental results demonstrate that USPM considerably outperforms baseline methods in two urban prediction tasks.

Supplemental Material

MP4 File - Profiling Urban Streets: A Semi-Supervised Prediction Model Based on Street View Imagery and Spatial Topology
A brief introduction to the motivation and method of our work.


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Published: 24 August 2024


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  1. large language model
  2. street representation learning
  3. street view imagery
  4. urban street profiling


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