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FedNLR: Federated Learning with Neuron-wise Learning Rates

Published: 24 August 2024 Publication History


Federated Learning (FL) suffers from severe performance degradation due to the data heterogeneity among clients. Some existing work suggests that the fundamental reason is that data heterogeneity can cause local model drift, and therefore proposes to calibrate the direction of local updates to solve this problem. Though effective, existing methods generally take the model as a whole, which lacks a deep understanding of how the neurons within deep classification models evolve during local training to form model drift. In this paper, we bridge this gap by performing an intuitive and theoretical analysis of the activation changes of each neuron during local training. Our analysis shows that the high activation of some neurons on the samples of a certain class will be reduced during local training when these samples are not included in the client, which we call neuron drift, thus leading to the performance reduction of this class. Motivated by this, we propose a novel and simple algorithm called FedNLR, which utilizes <u>N</u>euron-wise <u>L</u>earning <u>R</u>ates during the FL local training process. The principle behind this is to enhance the learning of neurons bound to local classes on local data knowledge while reducing the decay of non-local classes knowledge stored in neurons. Experimental results demonstrate that FedNLR achieves state-of-the-art performance on federated learning with popular deep neural networks.

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