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BPPV-Chain: A Sharding Blockchain System with Output Shard Batch Processing and Parallel Transaction Verification

Published: 13 May 2024 Publication History


The current sharding schemes show some shortcomings, such as poor performance while handling cross-shard transactions, and the transactions are verified in an inefficient way. A sharding blockChain system with output shard Batch Processing and Parallel transaction Verification(BPPV-Chain) is proposed in this study. The core idea of the proposed scheme is elucidated as follows. The output shard is capable of verifying and processing the input availability certificates generated by the input shard in a batch manner, and it can generate the transaction availability certificates of different input shards when coping with the cross-shard transactions. The input shard unlocks or spends UTXO following the transaction avaliability certificates to for the cross-shard collaboration. On that basis, the communication complexity of cross-shard transactions can be reduced. Moreover, a parallel transaction verification scheme is present to increase the efficiency of transaction verification. In this scheme, UTXO is verified in a serial manner to prevent double spending and the signatures and values of multiple transactions are checked in a parallel manner. As indicated by the experimental results, BPPV-Chain outperforms existing sharding blockchain systems especially under the percentage of cross-shard transactions of not more than 80%. Furthermore, BPPV-Chain also ensures linear growth of throughput with the number of shards increasing, such that the scalability of BPPV-Chain can be confirmed.


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Index Terms

  1. BPPV-Chain: A Sharding Blockchain System with Output Shard Batch Processing and Parallel Transaction Verification



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      cover image ACM Other conferences
      ICBCT '23: Proceedings of the 2023 5th International Conference on Blockchain Technology
      November 2023
      72 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 13 May 2024


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      1. Blockchain
      2. Cross-shard transaction
      3. Output shard batch processing
      4. Parallel verification
      5. Sharding


      • Research-article
      • Research
      • Refereed limited


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