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Chic-Marker: Fashionably Fusing Fiducial Markers into Apparel and Accessories

Published: 07 July 2024 Publication History


This paper proposes Chic-Marker, a fashionable approach to integrating square fiducial markers into apparel and accessories. While square fiducial markers have found widespread use in industrial and entertainment sectors for precise object identification and tracking, their integration into daily wearable items has been limited due to their conspicuous appearance. Previous efforts to conceal these markers using infrared-based methods have encountered obstacles, often requiring specialized equipment and lighting conditions. In this study, we propose a fresh perspective by embedding the markers within the timeless Pied-de-poule pattern, enhancing their visibility for tracking purposes and their fashion appeal. We use computational tools to design and manufacture functional garments using sublimation printing and traditional handcrafting techniques. Through rigorous technical evaluation and exploratory making, we analyze the characteristics of these markers and explore their material potential, offering valuable insights and guidelines for their seamless integration into future wearable applications.

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cover image ACM Conferences
SCF '24: Proceedings of the 9th ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication
July 2024
104 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 07 July 2024

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  1. Fiducial markers
  2. computer vision
  3. fashion technology
  4. garments
  5. sublimation printing
  6. wearables


  • Research-article
  • Research
  • Refereed limited


SCF '24


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