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CoAR-TV: Design and Evaluation of Asynchronous Collaboration in AR-Supported TV Experiences

Published: 07 June 2024 Publication History


Television has long since been a uni-directional medium. However, when TV is used for educational purposes, like in edutainment shows, interactivity could enhance the learning benefit for the viewer. In recent years, AR has been increasingly explored in HCI research to enable interaction among viewers as well as viewers and hosts. Yet, how to implement this collaborative AR (CoAR) experience remains an open research question. This paper explores four approaches to asynchronous collaboration based on the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model: scaffolding, coaching, modeling, and collaborating. We developed a pilot show for a fictional edutainment series and evaluated the concept with two TV experts. In a wizard-of-oz study, we test our AR prototype with eight users and evaluate the perception of the four collaboration styles. The AR-enhanced edutainment concept was well-received by the participants, and the coaching collaboration style was perceived as favorable and could possibly be combined with the modeling style.


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IMX '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences
June 2024
465 pages
  • Editors:
  • Asreen Rostami,
  • Donald McMillan,
  • Jonathan Hook,
  • Irene Viola,
  • Jun Nishida,
  • Hanuma Teja Maddali,
  • Alexis Clay
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