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Repeated Padding for Sequential Recommendation

Published: 08 October 2024 Publication History


Sequential recommendation aims to provide users with personalized suggestions based on their historical interactions. When training sequential models, padding is a widely adopted technique for two main reasons: 1) The vast majority of models can only handle fixed-length sequences; 2) Batch-based training needs to ensure that the sequences in each batch have the same length. The special value 0 is usually used as the padding content, which does not contain the actual information and is ignored in the model calculations. This common-sense padding strategy leads us to a problem that has never been explored in the recommendation field: Can we utilize this idle input space by padding other content to improve model performance and training efficiency further?
In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective padding method called Repeated Padding (RepPad). Specifically, we use the original interaction sequences as the padding content and fill it to the padding positions during model training. This operation can be performed a finite number of times or repeated until the input sequences’ length reaches the maximum limit. Our RepPad can be considered as a sequence-level data augmentation strategy. Unlike most existing works, our method contains no trainable parameters or hyperparameters and is a plug-and-play data augmentation operation. Extensive experiments on various categories of sequential models and five real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach. The average recommendation performance improvement is up to 60.3% on GRU4Rec and 24.3% on SASRec. We also provide in-depth analysis and explanation of what makes RepPad effective from multiple perspectives. Our datasets and codes are available at


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  1. Repeated Padding for Sequential Recommendation



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    RecSys '24: Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
    October 2024
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    Published: 08 October 2024


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