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Better Generalization with Semantic IDs: A Case Study in Ranking for Recommendations

Published: 08 October 2024 Publication History


Randomly-hashed item ids are used ubiquitously in recommendation models. However, the learned representations from random hashing prevents generalization across similar items, causing problems of learning unseen and long-tail items, especially when item corpus is large, power-law distributed, and evolving dynamically. In this paper, we propose using content-derived features as a replacement for random ids. We show that simply replacing ID features with content-based embeddings can cause a drop in quality due to reduced memorization capability. To strike a good balance of memorization and generalization, we propose to use Semantic IDs [15], a compact and discrete item representation, as a replacement for random item ids. Semantic IDs are learned from frozen content embeddings using RQ-VAE and thus can capture the hierarchy of concepts in items. Similar to content embeddings, the compactness of Semantic IDs poses a problem of adaption in recommendation models. We propose novel methods for adapting Semantic IDs in industry-scale ranking models, through hashing sub-pieces of of the Semantic-ID sequences. In particular, we find that the SentencePiece model [10] that is commonly used in LLM tokenization outperforms manually crafted pieces such as N-grams. To the end, we evaluate our approaches in a real-world ranking model for YouTube recommendations. Our experiments demonstrate that Semantic IDs can replace the direct use of video IDs by improving the generalization ability on new and long-tail item slices without sacrificing overall model quality.

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RecSys '24: Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
October 2024
1438 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 08 October 2024


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  1. Generalization
  2. Ranking
  3. Recommendation Systems
  4. Semantic ID


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