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Informed Dataset Selection with ‘Algorithm Performance Spaces’

Published: 08 October 2024 Publication History


When designing recommender-systems experiments, a key question that has been largely overlooked is the choice of datasets. In a brief survey of ACM RecSys papers, we found that authors typically justified their dataset choices by labelling them as public, benchmark, or ‘real-world’ without further explanation. We propose the Algorithm Performance Space (APS) as a novel method for informed dataset selection. The APS is an n-dimensional space where each dimension represents the performance of a different algorithm. Each dataset is depicted as an n-dimensional vector, with greater distances indicating higher diversity. In our experiment, we ran 29 algorithms on 95 datasets to construct an actual APS. Our findings show that many datasets, including most Amazon datasets, are clustered closely in the APS, i.e. they are not diverse. However, other datasets, such as MovieLens and Docear, are more dispersed. The APS also enables the grouping of datasets based on the solvability of the underlying problem. Datasets in the top right corner of the APS are considered ’solved problems’ because all algorithms perform well on them. Conversely, datasets in the bottom left corner lack well-performing algorithms, making them ideal candidates for new recommender-system research due to the challenges they present.

Supplemental Material

PDF File
182 "Mini" APS and a detailed 2D APS
PNG File
182 "Mini" APS and a detailed 2D APS


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RecSys '24: Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
October 2024
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