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Semi-Automated Guided Teleportation through Immersive Virtual Environments

Published: 09 October 2024 Publication History


Immersive knowledge spaces like museums or cultural sites are often explored by traversing pre-defined paths that are curated to unfold a specific educational narrative. To support this type of guided exploration in VR, we present a semi-automated, hands-free path traversal technique based on teleportation that features a slow-paced interaction workflow targeted at fostering knowledge acquisition and maintaining spatial awareness. In an empirical user study with 34 participants, we evaluated two variations of our technique, differing in the presence or absence of intermediate teleportation points between the main points of interest along the route. While visiting additional intermediate points was objectively less efficient, our results indicate significant benefits of this approach regarding the user’s spatial awareness and perception of interface dependability. However, the user’s perception of flow, presence, attractiveness, perspicuity, and stimulation did not differ significantly. The overall positive reception of our approach encourages further research into semi-automated locomotion based on teleportation and provides initial insights into the design space of successful techniques in this domain.

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  1. Semi-Automated Guided Teleportation through Immersive Virtual Environments



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      VRST '24: Proceedings of the 30th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology
      October 2024
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      1. 3D Navigation
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      3. Guided Navigation
      4. Guided Tour
      5. Head-Mounted Display
      6. Teleportation
      7. Virtual Reality


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