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Body-Area Capacitive or Electric Field Sensing for Human Activity Recognition and Human-Computer Interaction: A Comprehensive Survey

Published: 06 March 2024 Publication History


Due to the fact that roughly sixty percent of the human body is essentially composed of water, the human body is inherently a conductive object, being able to, firstly, form an inherent electric field from the body to the surroundings and secondly, deform the distribution of an existing electric field near the body. Body-area capacitive sensing, also called body-area electric field sensing, is becoming a promising alternative for wearable devices to accomplish certain tasks in human activity recognition (HAR) and human-computer interaction (HCI). Over the last decade, researchers have explored plentiful novel sensing systems backed by the body-area electric field, like the ring-form smart devices for sign language recognition, the room-size capacitive grid for indoor positioning, etc. On the other hand, despite the pervasive exploration of the body-area electric field, a comprehensive survey does not exist for an enlightening guideline. Moreover, the various hardware implementations, applied algorithms, and targeted applications result in a challenging task to achieve a systematic overview of the subject. This paper aims to fill in the gap by comprehensively summarizing the existing works on body-area capacitive sensing so that researchers can have a better view of the current exploration status. To this end, we first sorted the explorations into three domains according to the involved body forms: body-part electric field, whole-body electric field, and body-to-body electric field, and enumerated the state-of-art works in the domains with a detailed survey of the backed sensing tricks and targeted applications. We then summarized the three types of sensing frontends in circuit design, which is the most critical part in body-area capacitive sensing, and analyzed the data processing pipeline categorized into three kinds of approaches. The outcome will benefit researchers for further body-area electric field explorations. Finally, we described the challenges and outlooks of body-area electric sensing, followed by a conclusion, aiming to encourage researchers to further investigations considering the pervasive and promising usage scenarios backed by body-area capacitive sensing.


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Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies  Volume 8, Issue 1
March 2024
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Published: 06 March 2024
Published in IMWUT Volume 8, Issue 1


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  1. Electric field sensing
  2. body-area network
  3. body-area sensing
  4. capacitive sensing
  5. human activity recognition
  6. human machine interaction
  7. wearable


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